
How Woolly Babs makes your Christmas last longer

We all wish Christmas lasted longer

So what powers does Babs, a part-time doctor's receptionist in Yorkshire, have that can make your Christmas last longer? Her Christmas jumpers of course.

It's simple. No matter what time of year you get your Xmas jumper, you'll want to put it on. And as most people buy theirs in the run up to Christmas, getting the jumper is pretty much the starting shot for your Christmas celebrations.

You'll find more and more occasions where it feels appropriate to wear it. Heck, you'll probably even go to more do's just to be seen by more people in it.

Woolly Babs Party Hats

Babs & friends, mid-April was it?

And you won't be putting it away at the end of Christmas Day. You'll be wearing your Christmas jumper on Boxing Day at least. It's completely machine washable so there's no need to worry about any stray brandy butter spoiling your fun.

You'll still be feeling Christmassy right up to New Year's Eve (as Babs was in the photo above). What you thought of as just a novelty Christmas jumper will bring you a much longer Christmas. That's what Babs tries to sew into every one she makes. And throughout all of it, the squeaker never stops being funny.

All you have to do now is decide just how soon you want your Christmas to begin.

Get stuck into the full Christmas jumper collection.