Those celebs just have not been able to get enough Christmas jumpers on their bodies to parade around in. The past two Christmases have seen an explosion in converts to the Christmas jumper.
Maybe it's the permission to wear something truly bold, maybe it's a relief to actually have some fun with their outfits, maybe it's the effect of Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day… or maybe the rich and famous are just mad for a bit of Rudolph across their chests.
Here are a few examples of celebrities wear none other than beautifully bold Woolly Babs Christmas jumpers.
Chris Evans and Alex Jones got all festive on the One Show and you could say our Rudolph Christmas jumper dress stole the show that night! Here's Chris Evans giving his nose a good squeak!
Keith Lemon (also known as Leigh Francis) is sporting a classic Rudolph Reindeer, accompanied by his sidekick David Hasselhoff. Nightrider? More like KNITrider!
In happier times we've got Chantelle and Alex Reid looking, well, the happiest they ever looked together.
Next up we've got Celeach Spelman along with The Wanted. The interesting thing here is that The wanted were asked by Cel on the BBC's Friday Download to rate Cel's Woolly Babs Christmas jumper as 'Hot' or 'Not hot' and they voted it 'Not hot'. Babs couldn't have been more pleased. I don't think she really rated their sartorial opinion.
As a Yorkshire-based company we also supply to our local celebrities. Here we have our friends Naomi Kent and Rich Williams. They're DJ's on Radio Aire, Leeds' top radio station. We help them out each year with their Festive Jumper Thursday.
Not all Christmas jumper celebrities model our designs on two legs.
And these sheep? No, we're not saying celebrities are like sheep - we're saying these sheep are becoming celebrities. With bold fashion statements like these highly stylish jumpers, the sheep at Mudchute City Farm posing here for Christmas Jumper Day 2013 will no doubt become instant style icons.