6 hours, 1,391 photos, 10 models.
Photos and videos below of the day our Christmas, Easter and Halloween jumpers and Christmas tshirts and aprons got the photographic attention we feel they deserve!
It was a big family affair with cousins and God children and friends new and old. And DJ the Jack Russell.
[Emotional warning] It was quite a humbling experience. It showed us what a loving and supportive family and friends we have who gave up so much time to be pushed around in dozens of outfits in front of hot lights and flash bulbs. Thank you everybody!
Special thanks to Heather and her little baby Lewis. Heather writes a blog about all things pro-mum and even wrote an entry about the shoot! She also contributes to local blog MoorMums. So as well as sending us into the blogosphere she dressed little Lewis in our baby jumpers. What a cutey.
Thanks too to cousin Becky and husband Ken who dashed across on his lunch break.
Thank you Steph and John too for bringing DJ and to the whole Roper branch of the family. Harry and Heath were little stars. Not just posing, but singing and dancing.
Bonus video! Check out the face pulling here:
We're also really grateful to our photographer, Simon Murray. Not only did he let us bring babies, kids and a dog into the studio but was patient and thoughtful throughout and got the best out of us and the jumpers.