
Christmas Jumper Blog

You've got one in your drawer or you've just ordered one for Christmas.  And you're dying to wear it. But when? 1st December?

No! Halloween and Bonfire Night are over, the lights are going up and all the shops are turning into grottoes. Any time now is fine. Why?

Because you love your Christmas so much that the work's Christmas party and the day itself just aren't enough. Just put it on when you go to watch the lights being turned on. Wear it while you're writing your Christmas cards. Wear it while thinking about what presents to buy. And again when you go and buy them.

Plus if you're wearing one of our Christmas jumpers, it'll be machine washable so you can wear it all the way up to Christmas!

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One of our most frequent comments from customers is that our jumpers look so much better in real life than in our photos.  So we're trying to sort that out.

We got our friend in with her proper camera and got a great new set of photos. (All models had to act as photographer's assistants. This isn't Gucci!)

Woolly Babs Christmas Jumper photo shoot

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