
Christmas Jumper Blog

In the same way Topshop water everything else down, they've reduced the Christmas jumper to a low-res piece of clipart.

And whacked on a high-res price!

Another completely lack lustre effort from the High Street. Another reason to get one of our handmade Christmas jumpers!

So you could fork out £50 for one of these:

Or for just £34.99 you could be squeaking, laughing and jingling all Christmas in one of these (amazing) handmade Rudolph Christmas jumpers.

Woolly Babs Rudolph Christmas Jumper

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The Father Christmas adorned Coke can is now in the shops. We can't think of a clearer sign of the approach of Christmas.

Festive Coke CanIt's pretty much permission to start wearing your Christmas jumper.

Wear it for watching the Christmas lights being turned on, to Christmas fairs, during Thanksgiving (why not?), for mulling wine. For drinking wine. For drinking whisky.

Get your Xmas jumper out now - don't leave it till Christmas Day!

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