
Christmas Jumper Blog

We're going to be coming right into your living room!

A production company phoned us and requested two of our lovely Christmas jumpers to feature in their Christmas special. And they're for two big, big celebrities!

They've already filmed it and we've signed the release forms and everything.

We just can't say what they're for. Though we will divulge it was a large Rudolph jumper and an XL Rodney Robin!

More details when we know we're allowed to tell you! And then we'll be able to say 'As seen on TV'!

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Crazy, made-up spam messages are sent to our blog as comments.

As the number of visitors increases, so does the amount of spam. So we see spam as a sign of success.

Fortunately we have a very sophisticated spam filter:

Some of it is really funny. Our favourite, including the spelling mistake, so far was posted in We need to talk about Xmas Jumpers:

Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good ifnromation.

And here we are enjoying our spam in our Christmas and Easter jumpers. Keep it coming!

Woolly Babs Spam filter

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