
Christmas Jumper Blog

Crazy, made-up spam messages are sent to our blog as comments.

As the number of visitors increases, so does the amount of spam. So we see spam as a sign of success.

Fortunately we have a very sophisticated spam filter:

Some of it is really funny. Our favourite, including the spelling mistake, so far was posted in We need to talk about Xmas Jumpers:

Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good ifnromation.

And here we are enjoying our spam in our Christmas and Easter jumpers. Keep it coming!

Woolly Babs Spam filter

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Next up was a trip to Hackney Wick's art festival, Hackney Wicked.

We headed for the private view of "I am Braziliality" at a rather wonderful and fancy industrial unit/restaurant/gallery space (did we mention we were in East London?) called Forman's Smokehouse.

We weren't fully prepared for this. There was a lot of art on the walls wih some particularly good photography by Azul Serra, Bruno Figueiredo, Daniella Baptista and Rafaela Miranda Rocha.

Even better still was the Brazilian contemporary dancing going on amongst everything by Everaldo Pereira and Douglas Dance.


Look what someone's done to a deer! This is no way to treat such beautiful creatures.

Woolly Babs Edgar de Camargo Braziliality

Lots of fun - cardboard and religious deer. By Edgar de Camargo. £800.

It's nice to see deer being used, but we're not sure about the Barbie pink. We do think it shows once again like our first adventure that we're bang on trend with our Rudolph designs for our Christmas jumpers!

Woolly Babs Braziliality Edgar de Camargo popular

Deer designs are popular all year round.

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